Happy Halloween!

‘Tis the season to be spooky. One of the best seasons, if not the best if we do say so ourselves.

There’s so many different ways to celebrate because little kids, and even more so not so little kids get to have some fun!

So I’m (Sarah) going to focus more on what you can do with the younger kids.
– picking out their costumes! This is when kids can get really creative with what they want to wear and I personally love seeing all the this hey can come up with.
– bake some Halloween cookies, they even have Halloween ginger bread kits out there these days too.
– carve a jack-o-lantern! One of the best traditions, kids love scooping out all the pumpkin guts, picking out a silly face, and lighting it at night.
– for older kids (like pre-teens) having a little party before trick or treating could be fun, with Halloween themed foods, maybe a some bobbing for apples
– then comes the best part of Halloween, trick or treating. Everyone loves it. This is going to be the first year we take our son out (as long as the rain holds off). He’s so excited and has been practicing his “Trick or Treat!” For the past month.
– sorting your candy, this is just as exciting as the trick or treating is. They don’t generally pay attention to what goes in their bags, so getting to see exactly how much and how great the “score” was can make the night. And let’s face it, it’s the one night kids get to eat candy before bed.

Keep an eye out for all the kids! They may look like superheroes (like these two cuties below) but they certainly aren’t indestructible.

For tips for how the “big kids” can celebrate keep scrolling to find some ideas from Bonnie!
This is Halloween This is Halloween!!! MUAHAHAH

So, as you all know, I do not have any kids, but Halloween!!! Is my all time favorite non-holiday. If I could have taken it off this year I would have.

So, even without kids you can have a ton of fun.

PARTY! Have a dress up party, act like a kid again. Enjoy the night! This year, the boy and I are dressing up as cartoon Lydia and Beatlejuice! I cannot wait!

Decorate! OMG, the little kids that come to the door are so much more happier when you are into it as much as they are! My boy and I usually sit outside with hot chocolate, and give candy out. We decorate our front step, and just enjoy the night. This year it’s going to be a little different as we have the a fore mentioned party to go to!

If you are planning on staying in, have a horror marathon!!! This is one of my all time favourite things to do.

Need some ideas?

Halloween, Nightmare on Elm Street, Friday the 13th, Night of the Living Dead (all of these must be the originals)

Now, I have one remake that I LOVE! Dawn of the Dead. If you like Zombie movies, this one is AWESOME!

And one last thing, to enjoy Halloween as an adult…..BUY THE CANDY YOU WANT!! Indulge on this night, and enjoy it!

Hope everyone has a safe and awesome Halloween no matter how you choose to celebrate! And don’t worry I’m sure there will be lots of superheroes (and even more ice queens) roaming around to keep you safe!



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